Thursday Three

There’s this thing on social media (Instagram in particular – do you follow me there?) where people share three things about themselves that might be strange or new or heck – I don’t know. Maybe their shoe size. (It’s an 8.) So while I’m going to share a shortened version of my Thursday Three on Insta, I’m going to go into more detail here just for the giggles of it all.

  1. I met a new designer this week and got to do some designs with her – JoyLynn of Blue Heart Scraps. We had a BLAST and I can’t wait for you guys to see what we made. Coming soon to a Black Friday near you!
  2. I went down the YouTube rabbit hole last night and got sucked into the Declassified series by Ben Folds. It’s with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center, and I found it because I was (as always) searching for Sara Bareilles. She is the best, in my opinion, and if I could age backwards, I’d be her when I grew up. I also love Ben Folds, and just music in general, and you will LOVE this series. I saw that there is also a show with Regina Spektor, and whew doggies. She’s got some pipes, too. I would recommend this series. Here’s my favorite video from the Sara series.
  1. I’ve been struggling a little bit with my mood/depression/anxiety these last few days. I don’t often; my mental health is stable and I’m so thankful for the care I’ve received in the last several years to help get me there. I’m really careful to take my meds regularly, get plenty of sleep, and to take care of myself overall – which means giving myself permission to go down YouTube rabbit holes from time to time! There’s almost always essential oils going (hello, Plant Therapy!) and music playing as well. Also, sometimes there’s just a spoonful of Nutella in my hand. How do you take care of yourself?

I hope that this blustery November day finds you well.

Photo by Oliver Hihn on Unsplash